Anna Alberini

Anna Alberini

Anna Alberini holds a PhD in economics from the University of California, San Diego, and is a professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resources Economics at UMD. She teaches PhD-level econometrics and an undergraduate course on climate change economics, while supervising graduate and undergraduate research. As an energy and environmental economist, her work centers on residential energy demand, energy efficiency, and policies influencing these areas, as well as vehicle fuel economy. She is an editor of Energy Economics, serves on the boards of The Energy Journal and Energy Policy, and has advised the US Energy Information Administration and EPA.

Fahad Alajlan

Fahad Alajlan

Fahad Alajlan became president of the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) in August 2021. Before KAPSARC, he was director of the Hydrocarbon Sustainability Program at the Ministry of Energy, focusing on long-term energy trends and global oil and gas demand. He also oversees the Circular Carbon Economy National Program, aimed at managing emissions while advancing the Kingdom’s socio-economic goals.

Fahad has also advised on energy markets and policy at Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Economy and Planning and spent over 15 years at Saudi Aramco in senior roles in operations, corporate strategy, and investment planning. He holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from North Carolina State University and an MBA from Stanford University.

Fatih Birol

Fatih Birol

Dr. Fatih Birol has been the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) since 2015, leading its modernization efforts by expanding membership to major emerging economies and broadening its mandate to include natural gas, electricity, and clean energy. Before this role, he spent over 20 years at the IEA, serving as Chief Economist and leading the World Energy Outlook. Dr. Birol also chairs the IEA Energy Business Council and the World Economic Forum’s Energy Advisory Board. He has been recognized by Forbes as a top energy influencer and has received numerous international honors.

Michael Caramaris

Michael Caramaris

Michael Caramanis (BS Stanford, MS and PhD Harvard) is a Professor of Mechanical and Systems Engineering at Boston University. He has served on the Greek National Energy Council, the MIT Energy Laboratory, and was chair of the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy. His research focuses on real-time electric power markets and Smart Grid systems, aiming to enhance distributed energy management and integrate sustainable technologies like wind power, distributed storage, and electric vehicles. He has led numerous research projects and co-authored Spot Pricing of Electricity (1988).

Ujjayant Chakravorty

Ujjayant Chakravorty

Ujjayant Chakravorty is a Professor of Economics at Tufts University and Fellow at the Toulouse School of Economics and CESifo. He co-edits the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and is an associate editor of the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. His research focuses on fossil fuels, clean energy, and water resources, with current work on electricity in rural India, groundwater markets, biofuel mandates, and deforestation. He has taught at the University of Alberta, Emory University, and the University of Hawaii. His research has appeared in top journals, and he holds a PhD in Resource and Environmental Economics from the University of Hawaii.

Vibha Dhawan

Vibha Dhawan

Dr. Vibha Dhawan has been with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) since 1985 and served as Vice-Chancellor of TERI School of Advanced Studies from 2005-2007. A Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India, she is engaged in research and policy development, working with organizations like the Department of Biotechnology and BIRAC. She also holds an adjunct professorship at Michigan State University.

Her achievements include establishing the Micropropagation Technology Park at TERI and coordinating the DBT-TERI Centre on Advanced Biofuels. Dr. Dhawan has held key advisory roles internationally and has been recognized with multiple awards, including the Indian Women Achievers Sammaan 2017.

Ying Fan

Ying Fan

Prof. Ying Fan earned her Ph.D. in System Engineering and spent 25 years at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) before joining Beihang University in 2015, where she is now Dean of the School of Economics and Management and directs the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEP). She has served as Vice President for Academic Affairs of the IAEE and held positions at Cornell and KAPSARC.

Prof. Fan has led over 60 research projects, published 300+ papers, and focuses on energy economics, climate change, and environmental policy. She has received several major awards, including the Yangtze River Scholar and CAS Hundred Talents Program.

Carolyn Fisher

Carolyn Fisher

Carolyn Fischer is the Research Manager of the Sustainability and Infrastructure Team at the World Bank. Her work focuses on technical change, trade, and emissions leakage in environmental policy. Previously, she was a professor at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, held the Canada 150 Research Chair at the University of Ottawa, and was a visiting professor at Gothenburg University. Fischer is affiliated with Resources for the Future and the CESifo Research Network, and co-edits Environmental and Resource Economics. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Christian Von Hirschhausen

Christian Von Hirschhausen

Hirschhausen studied economics in Boulder (Colorado) and industrial engineering in Berlin and earned his doctorate in business administration with a focus on the privatization of Eastern European conglomerates from École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris in 1995. From 1997 to 2004, he worked as a research associate in the World Economy Department of DIW Berlin, habilitating in 2002 at the Technical University of Berlin, where he led the Economics and Infrastructure Policy (WIP) department from 2002 to 2004. In the winter semester of 2004/2005, Christian von Hirschhausen accepted a position at the Technical University of Dresden as the holder of the DREWAG Chair in Energy Economics. He soon accepted an offer to return to TU Berlin and has been leading the Economics and Infrastructure Policy department again since April 2009. Additionally, he has been the chairman of the Joint Commission for Industrial Engineering at TU Berlin since June 2009.

Roula Inglesi-Lotz

Roula Inglesi-Lotz

She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece, and earned her MCom in Economics, cum laude, from the University of Pretoria. Her PhD, awarded in 2011, proposed a benchmark-and-trade approach to improve electricity intensity in South Africa.

Her research addresses traditional energy consumption and generation issues and explores new solutions for improving energy efficiency and renewable fuel use.

She is the Vice President for Membership and Affiliate Relations of the International Association for Energy Economics and was a founding member and president of the South African Association for Energy Economics. She also serves on the editorial boards of Energy Policy, Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, and Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Mark Jaccard

Mark Jaccard

Mark Jaccard is a climate change expert and professor at Simon Fraser University's School of Resource and Environmental Management since 1986. He leads the Energy and Materials Research Group (EMRG) and the Canadian Industrial Energy End-use Data and Analysis Centre (CIEEDAC).

He served as Chair and CEO of the BC Utilities Commission (1992-1997) and was appointed to the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy in 2006. He has also contributed to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Global Energy Assessment.

He has received multiple honors, including the SFU President’s Award for Media and the Sterling Prize for Controversy. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Grenoble and degrees from Simon Fraser University.

Ricardo Raineri

Ricardo Raineri

He is the President of the International Association for Energy Economics and a former Chilean Energy Minister. He has chaired the Chilean State Oil Company (ENAP) and overseen various energy and regulatory agencies. He was also a Council Member for the State Enterprises System and a Board member at Schwager Energy, leading its ethics committee. Previously, he served as Alternate Executive Director at the World Bank and is a professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He specializes in energy transition, regulation, and market structure, and holds degrees in Business Engineering, Economics, and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. He is published in academic journals and regularly consulted as an industry expert.

Katheline Schubert

Katheline Schubert

Katheline Schubert is a Professor at University Paris 1-Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris School of Economics. She graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris and earned her PhD in economics from University Paris 1. She serves on the French High Council for Climate and the French Economic Council for Sustainable Development, and was past-president of the French Economic Association.

Her research focuses on environmental economics, natural resources, dynamic macroeconomics, and sustainable growth, with recent work on climate economics and energy transition. She has published in journals including the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Energy Journal, Journal of Economic Theory, and European Economic Review.

Yukari Yamashita

Yukari Yamashita

As a Board Member for the Institute, Yamashita manages international publicity and bilateral programs in the Middle East, including with GCC countries. She has contributed to energy efficiency policies and building codes and has served as a jury member for national climate change programs for over ten years.

She is also the Director of the Energy Data and Modelling Center, where her team’s analyses post-Fukushima have influenced Japan’s energy policies. Yamashita has led international energy programs with the International Energy Agency and other organizations, was IAEE President in 2020, and is currently Executive Vice President.

Professor Catherine Wolfram

Professor Catherine Wolfram

Catherine Wolfram is the William Barton Rogers Professor in Energy and Applied Economics at MIT Sloan. From March 2021 to October 2022, she served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Climate and Energy Economics at the U.S. Treasury. Before that, she directed the Environment and Energy Economics Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Wolfram has researched energy markets, including rural electrification, energy efficiency, and environmental regulation. She’s currently focused on the EU carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) and climate-related trade issues.

She holds a PhD from MIT and an AB from Harvard.