Prof. Adonis Yatchew, University of Toronto
Prof. Amela Ajanovic, TU Wien
Prof. Anne Neumann, NTNU
Prof. Anna Alberini, Univ of Maryland
Prof. Afzal Siddiqui, U. Stockholm
Prof. Carlo Andrea Bollino, University of Perugia
Dr David Broadstock, National Univ. Singapore
Prof. Edmar de Almeida, PUC-Rio
Prof. Gurkan Kumbaroglu, Boğaziçi University
Prof. Iacopo Savelli, University of Bocconi
Prof. Isaac Dyner, Univ. Columbia
Prof. Jacques Percebois, University of Montpellier
Prof. Maria-Paz Espinosa, U. Pais-Vasco
Prof. Machiel Mulder, University of Groningen
Prof. Michael Pollitt, Univ. of Cambridge
Prof. Lena Kitzing, DTU
Dr Livingstone Senyounga, Makarere University Business School
Prof. Ramteen Sioshansi, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Prof. Ricardo Raineri, Pontificia Univ. Chile
Dr. Silvia Pariente-David
Prof. Stephen Poletti, University of Auckland
Prof. Pierre-Oliver Pineau, HEC Montreal
Prof. Reinhard Haas, Vienna Univ. of Technology
Prof. Pedro Linares, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Dr. Roula Inglesi-Lotz, Univ. of Pretoria
Prof. Ying Fan, Beihang Univ.
Prof. Andreas Ziegler, University of Kassel
Prof. Barbara Antonioli, Università della Svizzera italiana
Prof. Chandra Krishnamurthy, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Prof. Clement Bonnet, University of Montpellier
Prof. Christoph Weber, University of Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Chouaib Jouf, University de Franche-Comté
Prof. Christine L. Crago, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Prof. Dogan Keles, DTU
Prof. Dylan Brewer, Georgia Institute of Technology
Prof. Iacopo Savelli, University of Bocconi
Prof. Itzi Lazkano, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Prof. Jacques Percebois, University of Montpellier
Prof. Katalin Springel, HEC Montreal
Prof. Govinda R Timilsina, The World Bank
Prof. Hans Auer, TU Wien
Prof. Heike Wetzel, University of Kassel
Prof. Fabien Wagner, DTU
Prof. Franziska Holz, German Institute for Economic Research
Prof. Dr. Claudia Kemfert, DIW Berlin
Prof. Jan Abrell, University Basel
Prof. Jihad Elnaboulsi, Université de Franche-Comté
Prof. Jean Baptiste Bonnier , Université de Franche-Comté
Prof. Jacob Ladenburg, Technical University of DenmarkProf. Laurent Lamy, CIRED
Prof. Jilles Carlos De Blauwe, Technical University of Denmark
Prof. Julien Jacqmin, NEOMA Business School – Rouen
Prof. Nicolas Thiollière, University of Nantes
Prof. Laureen Deman, NTNU
Prof. Matt Woerman, Colorado State University
Prof. Massimo Filippini, ETH Zürich
Prof. Mehdi Farsi, Université de Neuchâtel
Prof. Miguel Angel Tovar, The Economic and Social Research Institute
Prof. Mohsen Kia, University College Dublin
Prof. Paolo Agnolucci, The World Bank
Prof. Patrick Jochem, Institute of Networked Energy Systems
Prof, Pierre-Alexandre Mahieu, University of Nantes
Prof. Philippe Quirion, CNRS
Dr. Silvia Pariente-David
Prof. Suchita Srinivasan, ETH Zürich
Prof. Thomas Chuffart, University Paris-Nanterre
Prof. Tim Aidan Graulich, DTU
Prof. Theis Madsen, Technical University of Denmark
Prof. Xiaobing Zhang, Technical University of Denmark